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We would like to invite you to attend a good Bible-based church in your area. As a Pastor himself, Rev.Daniel knows how important it is for every believer to have a healthy church home where they can connect with other believers and grow in their faith.At KHG Ministries, we take God’s Word as final authority. That’s why for more  years, ever since the Lord told RV Daniel to preach the uncompromised Word of God on every available voice, proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and His unconditional love has been the focus and his mission .Over the years, Rv Daniel and Mrs Gigi have delivered to the body of christ, Bible-based teaching about faith, love, healing, prosperity, redemption,

righteousness, the anointing and the principles of victorious Christian living.It continues to be our privilege to preach the good news of Jesus Christ around the world on every available voice.    

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